Craft & Chat

Primary tabs

Program Type:

Arts & Crafts, Makerspace

Age Group:

Adult, Teens
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description

Event Details

Join us for a relaxing morning of crafting and chatting! Bring a creative project that you're working on or just join us for good conversation. This is a time when all the makerspace machines will be off so we can get to know each other better and learn about different creative projects! We'll have snacks and some art supplies from the cabinets out if you need a small project to do.

This is a drop-in program, so no registration is required but if you'd like a reminder email feel free to sign up. Show up when you're able to and for as long as you'd like. 



MCL is committed to providing the highest degree of accessibility within our means. Please call 262-363-6411 ext. 4111 before any event with any disability-related accommodation requests.

Food Allergy Notice

There is a possibility that a food item in this program might trigger an allergic reaction. Please notify staff of any concerns before the start date and they will try to make accommodations. 

Photo Permission

Staff often take pictures during Library classes, programs, and events. The Library may use these photos for publicity in print, on social media, and on our website. If you do not want a photo of yourself or your child taken, please inform the person in charge immediately before the event taking place.