Gracenotes Brass Choir Holiday Concert

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Program Description

Event Details

Stop by for a very special holiday program performed by the Gracenotes Brass Choir! Enjoy the resonant melodies of brass instruments that blend together to create an extraordinary musical holiday experience. 

The newly formed Gracenotes Brass Choir is a harmonious ensemble that brings together talented musicians who are passionate about the rich and vibrant sound of brass instruments. With a diverse repertoire that ranges from classical masterpieces to contemporary compositions, the ensemble showcases the versatility and power of brass music. 

Whether it's the majestic notes of the trumpet, the warm tones of the French horn, the agile melodies of the trombone, or the deep resonance of the tuba, Gracenotes Brass Choir captivates audiences with its dynamic performances and breathtaking arrangements. Join us on the ground floor of our exhilarating musical journey and let the enchanting sounds of the brass choir elevate your spirits and leave you with unforgettable memories.