Laser Machine Badging Session

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Program Type:

Arts & Crafts, Makerspace

Age Group:

Adult, Teens
Registration for this event will close on March 31, 2025 @ 8:30pm.
Allowed Ages: 13 to Over 18
There are 7 seats remaining.

Program Description

Event Details

Join us in MetaSpace 511 for a demonstration of the laser machine. Lead Innovator Nancy will show you how to use the laser machine and upon completion of the training, you'll be "Badged" so you can book appointments to create your maker projects using the laser machine.

The Laser Machine Badging Session is for beginners and anyone who has not had a training session, 1:1 laser machine appointment, or taken a laser class.

The training will include an orientation, safety rules, materials, and how to use and help maintain the laser machine.

**Please review the MetaSpace 511 Laser Machine Badging Guide beforehand, a printed copy will be provided to you in class. Bring your questions!**

If registration is full, don't worry. We'll have more training sessions throughout the year and you can also sign up for a Training Appointment.

Please contact our Makerspace Lead Innovator Nancy for additional training options and questions: email: or call 262-363-6411 ext. 4111



MCL is committed to providing the highest degree of accessibility within our means. Please call 262-363-6411 ext. 4111 before any event with any disability-related accommodation requests.

Photo Permission

Staff often take pictures during Library classes, programs, and events. The Library may use these photos for publicity in print, on social media, and on our website. If you do not want a photo of yourself or your child taken, please inform the person in charge immediately before the event taking place.


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