Maker Night: Sublimation for Beginners - What You Need to Know to Get Started

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Program Type:

Arts & Crafts, Makerspace

Age Group:

Adult, Teens
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Ages: 13 to Over 18

Program Description

Event Details

Join us in MetaSpace 511 for Sublimation for Beginners - What You Need to Know to Get Started. We will go over the basics of sublimation and create a project using sublimation coasters.

***TO DO BEFORE CLASS: Please email a color photo or color clip art/image you would like to put on your coaster.*** The image will be printed in the Makerspace for a 4" x 4" coaster.

Are you asking just what is sublimation printing and how does it work?

Lead Innovator Nancy will show you how to use the Sawgrass SG1000 Sublimation printer, the Digital Knight 14" x 16" heat press, and the supplies that you will need to do sublimation projects.

A sublimation printer will print dyes onto a special printer paper that you can print and transfer full-color designs to materials such as fabric, plastic, ceramic, paper, and more, using heat. The finished results are amazing and sublimation can open up so many maker ideas and projects for you-everything from colorful polyester T-shirts, mousepads, coasters, canvas bags, vibrant coffee mugs, and more. 


No experience is necessary; come and learn the basics of Sublimation Printing!

Maker Night is an evening for ages 13 and up to create, learn and discover through hands-on makerspace activities to help you learn how to use the equipment and tools in MetaSpace 511. Maker Night projects will vary and are a great way to learn something new and create a fun project in the process!

  • All supplies are provided. Registration is required.

  • Space is limited; please cancel in advance if you are unable to attend so the next person on the waitlist will be able to have your spot.

Please contact our Makerspace Lead Innovator Nancy for additional training options: or call 262-363-6411 ext. 4111



MCL is committed to providing the highest degree of accessibility within our means. Please call 262-363-6411 ext. 4111 before any event with any disability-related accommodation requests.

Photo Permission

Staff often take pictures during Library classes, programs, and events. The Library may use these photos for publicity in print, on social media, and on our website. If you do not want a photo of yourself or your child taken, please inform the person in charge immediately before the event taking place.

Program Lottery Registration

Have you been trying to go to a program but keep missing out due to registration filling quickly? With the overwhelming popularity of programs, we are implementing a lottery system for registration. This is to help balance the equity of access against the reality of limited resources.

Once registration is open, you can sign up anytime during the five days, Friday through Tuesday; everyone will be on a waiting list. We will do a random lottery selection on Wednesday to choose attendees and then send you an email confirmation.