Memory Cafe: It's a Polka New Year!

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Program Description

Event Details

Let’s celebrate the new year with polka! An opportunity to socialize and listen to polka music performed by Polka Hall of Fame member Mike Schneider, and taste some German and Polish snacks. Register now. 

Memory Cafés are informal social gatherings for those who have early-stage Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss, or mild cognitive impairment, and their caregiver.

Registration is requested but not required:

This event will take place in the Community Room at the Mukwonago Community Library. Handicap accessible parking is available near the entrance of the Library. No steps required to enter the building.


MCL is committed to providing the highest degree of accessibility within our means. Please call 262-363-6411 ext. 4111 before any event with any disability-related accommodation requests.

Photo Permission
Staff often take pictures during Library classes, programs, and events. The Library may use these photos for publicity in print, on social media, and on our website. If you do not want a photo of yourself or your child taken, please inform the person in charge immediately before the event taking place.